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Meredith DelliGatti-Smalley

5.001 Review (0 Recent | )

About Meredith

Beginning in the industry on backend before transitioning to the front and then ultimately moving onto branch development has allowed me to see mortgage production from all angles. The fact that I recruit and develop while still producing has afforded me a broader perspective and allowed me develop stronger relationships. I pride myself on working with complete transparency and true personal integrity. I believe that listening is the key to all successful business relationships and that understanding and developing a genuine connection is a value added to both myself and those I have worked with throughout the years

  • Address
    2345 Bernville Road 2nd Floor
    Reading, PA 19605
  • Cell
    (610) 585-4042(610) 585-4042

Meredith’s Reviews

5 Stars ∙ 1 Review
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