Specific data for this location is not currently available. The data shown is for the surrounding area.
Springdale, AR Housing Market
3.5% 1-yrThe average Springdale, AR home value is $318,389, up 3.5% over the past year.
What is the Zillow Home Values Index?
Zillow Home Value Index (ZHVI), built from the ground up by measuring monthly changes in property level Zestimates, captures both the level and home values across a wide variety of geographies and housing types.
Springdale Key Takeaways
Typical Home Values: $318,389
1-year Value Change: +3.5%
(Data through February 28, 2025)
Springdale Housing Market Overview
--1-year Market Forecast
187For sale inventory(February 28, 2025)
59New listings(February 28, 2025)
--Median sale to list ratio
$326,667Median sale price(January 31, 2025)
$363,317Median list price(February 28, 2025)
--Percent of sales over list price
--Percent of sales under list price
--Median days to pending
(Metric availability is based on market coverage and data)
How does this data help me?
Zillow's metrics provide valuable market data by tracking market changes in different locations and housing types.
Zillow's metrics provide valuable market data by tracking market changes in different locations and housing types.
Move forward with a local partner
Zillow is more than a place to browse homes. It’s a place to connect with a local agent, explore financing solutions, schedule home tours, understand your buying and selling power, and more.
Get pre-qualified for a loan
At Zillow Home Loans, we can pre-qualify you in as little as 5 minutes with no impact on your credit score.
An equal housing lender. NMLS #10287.
Springdale Rental Market Trends
$1,487Average rent in Springdale(February 28, 2025)
$1,980National average rent(February 28, 2025)
-0.5%Month-over-month change(February 28, 2025)
6.2%Year-over-year change(February 28, 2025)
How does this data help me?
The Zillow Observed Rent Index (ZORI) measures changes in asking rents over time, controlling for changes in the quality of the available rental inventory.
The Zillow Observed Rent Index (ZORI) measures changes in asking rents over time, controlling for changes in the quality of the available rental inventory.