About Mason McDuffie Mortgage Corporation
If you are looking for a canned mission statement, you came to the wrong place. We were established in 1887, our mission and passion has been to work with home buyers to fulfill the dream of home ownership. For us, it is about the relationship with our clients for the long term, not just doing their loan. Relationships matter and the truth is we won't be able to help everyone, although we will work tirelessly to do so. That is why the experience our clients have with us during the mortgage process is paramount. We strive to be a different type of mortgage lender. We mix the tradition of a being a community lender with the digital process for today's consumer.
2010 Crow Canyon Place, Suite 400 San Ramon, CA 94583Office
(925) 242-4400(925) 242-4400Cell
(877) 275-6662(877) 275-6662Fax
(866) 743-0260(866) 743-0260Website
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