About Wendy
Our purpose is to maintain a strong reputation as an honest mortgage company offering outstanding customer service, exceptional community relationships, and a high level of employee satisfaction. We strive as a company to meet the needs and wants of our customers, ensuring their arrival at “the easiest way home.”
172 Professional Park Dr. Clarkesville, GA 30523Cell
(706) 768-0723(706) 768-0723Website
Contact Wendy
Any and all information appearing on a lender's profile is submitted and updated by the individual lender. Zillow Group Marketplace, Inc. does not verify, nor does it monitor, lender profile information. Lender profile information does not reflect Zillow Group Marketplace, Inc.'s views or opinions.
In order to provide the most comprehensive lender reviews, we compile reviews from customers across Zillow Group’s brands. The reviews published here may have originated from any of those brands, including Zillow and Trulia.
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