About Brenda
Welcome! Hello, I’m Brenda Brenda Valdez-Schafer. If you’re looking for a bilingual loan officer, I’m here to help. At Academy, our mission is to be your 1st CHOICE in lending. We want to see you achieve the dream of homeownership. We are a direct lender. This means all of Academy’s loan underwriting, processing, and funding happens here in-house in Grand Junction. We pride ourselves on quick turn times. I love working for a company that was created with a strong foundation of values, relationships, and service. The dream of homeownership is within reach for you. It would be my privilege to be a part of such an important milestone in your family's lives. With my experience and Academy’s large array of mortgage solutions to choose from, I will make every effort to find the best loan program for your situation. It’s all about service at Academy Mortgage, and I invite you to put us to the test. Let me show you how simple and easy securing a mortgage can be. Hablo Espanol! I invite you to put us to the test. Let me show you how simple and easy securing a mortgage can be. Hablo Espanol!
604 25 Road Grand Junction, CO 81505Office
(970) 852-3401(970) 852-3401Cell
(970) 210-4892(970) 210-4892Website
Contact Brenda
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